
Shannnwow set

Hello everyone, i just bought her 70$ set and i'm very disapointed, she says there is a lot of nudes but there is none. She is always covering her tits or have clothes.
I hope some will find it more interresting than i do :

Shannnwow set.

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  • tuneComments: 21(Click to expand)
    Damn not surprise
    [+] 1 user Likes Swagmode69's post
    A .pdf file LMAO. You should reverse the charge on your credit card and post everywhere that she's a scammer. Because you just got taken for $70 bills. RIP.

    She send some emails to said that she's sorry and send me some nudes, which is a pretty good feeling to receive nudes and apologizes   Big Grin
    Still 70$ for that is too expensive. Don't make the same mistakes guys

    RE: Shannnwow set.

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    [+] 5 users Like Mota333's post
    Ehhh whey not?

    Fuck it I used to jerk off to printed pics from the family photo
    [+] 1 user Likes Kenneth Kennedy's post
    thats all sorts of garbage
    Yeah she has a strange notion what constitutes "nude" Sleepy
    Her idea of nude does seem to be a recurring theme tbh
    this is close toa scam, i feel for ya
    it's a shame cause she's goddamn hot
    She does have nice tits though
    Nice /10charlimit
    It’s hard to fond something. T y
    damn thats really unfortunate
    that totally sucks. op much
    Huh sooooo awesomeee Tongue
    Thanksss mannn

    aggg how i can seee
    thank you for you sacrifice
    any good stuff?
    Absolutely amazing

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