Shaved or no shaved, what's your preference?
Refering to porn and/or IRL, curious to see people's thoughts.

[+] 1 user Likes oioihoig86's post
In porn I prefer shaved just for visibility.
In nude pics of others and irl I don't really care

Most definitely shaved.... I find pubic hair revolting... although I don't mind trimmed.

shaved all the way, keep it tidy

i love both tbh. I mean as long as the bush isn't extremely outta control, ya know what i mean  Tongue

100% prefer shaved, although as long as its neat im not fussy

100% shaved preferably

Shaved, but just personal real-life preference, tbh, it doesn't matter much anyway.

shaved of course!

shaved all the way

Both.. but there’s something primal about a hairy bush that makes me go wild

I like shaved in porn but it would nice to see bush in real life. All girls are shaved, don't know if it is good or a bad thing.

deffo shaved

shaved all the way

as long as its not a major bush, i don't care too much

[+] 1 user Likes tucanmo's post
shaved all the way baby Smile

Shaved usually, but I think well trimmed hair can be cute sometimes too

definitely shaved

def shaved, makes going down on her easier

Shaved definitely, body hair is such a turn off.