Short Introduction
Hello, my name is nice8800, but since nice is a lot shorter and numbers are gay, I have been told by many online users, you can call me nice. I have not been cracking/jacking accounts too long, so I decided to join a community to help me improve my "useful" skills in the subject matter. Anyway, I am glad I found this community because it is diverse with what is on the site. Hopefully, I can find some chill people on here with the same hobbies as me.
P.s. What is the point of these bits? I mean, I see that they can unlock posts without commenting, but is there any other use? Because that is pretty useless for me because I like to thank people for leaks and software anyway.
P.s. Again, why does everyone leech on this site? I mean I have already encountered like five different leechers in a few hours on here.