Should I invest in Bitcoins?
From 8k to 24k USD in a year thats +200% ?
[Image: jsQsdv.png]

wait on a pullback. Please dont buy at all time highs

When do you think the pullback will be?

yeah wait a little bit, it has to pullback soon

Too volatile IMO.

You need to wait till its dumps a little! dont fomo in

Definitely wait now. Just wait on a pullback. I dont know when it happens tho?

Pull it out then go again

Don't buy it not. Deffo not worthed. Try some other coin that will generate a lot of hype. the value mostly generated on hype

It's definitely worth it but not right now then it's reaching all time high. Wait for pullback and be aware that you may freeze those money for quite some time (even few years).

Way too volatile and even though it's hitting record highs I would advise against it. Better to invest the money in stocks after researching the market properly for safer returns and less volatility