Should Manchester United sack Ole Gunnar Solskjær
Ole Gunnar Solskjær is the club legend but in my opinion he is doing a terrible job in the club, it is Manchester United for God's sake, we have the best set of players since sir Alex era and struggling to make top 4, bottled many chances to be in the top 4 earlier in season, when on to lose 3 semifinals. In my opinion him and Woodward should be sacked, what do you think

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Not in my opnion just yet. Give him another seasono

I think he has done well with some of the younger players like Greenwood. Who would replace him anyway?

Absolutely not at the moment.

how many season does need, he has been building team forever, him and Woodward should be sacked we are doing poorly at the transfer market, we barely finished in the top 4

no because who will be better replacement

don;t give up on him yet

yea he needs to go, MU aint gonna do good with him

He tries his best and he has done better than the managers that came after Ferguson. He needs more time

Just not yet, the club is growing up