Should call of duty stop releasing every year?
Do you guys think that a new Call of Duty game should be released every 2-3 years instead of every year, it’ll give the devs more time to actually create an amazing game instead of them releasing the game half finished every year

If they're making money they'll release it regardless

It looks like theyre just gonna keep flushing them yearly but somewhat integrate them together, like cold war is basically a reskin of modern warfare

i think the should maybe divide it up... like keep milking warzone... and make real good ol' cod every 3 yrs or or rather just when its finished

I think eventually they'll keep going bu be more careful in terms of how they differentiate. I remember the whole boots on the ground fiasco when they brought out another space themed title.

Yes. It’s crazy that they haven’t, given how popular the games-as-a-service model of making games is. I guess they’re doing that now with Warzone. Would’ve loved an extra year of Black Ops and Black Ops 2 post game content though :,(

I think they should do it every 2-3 years

Definitely to improve quality

same shit each year :/

i agree they should go slower !