Show or movie you love that your friends hate
I have a very eclectic tatste in movies and shows, and alot of the shows i like i reccomend to my friends and often as we all have similar tastes they get into them. I found a bit of a roadblock however when i reccomended  terrace house. I normally hate reality TV stuff but i got genuinley hooked by this show, my mates literally go to the end of the intro and said it wasnt for them, the ones i did get to at least watch the first episode just flat out refused to watch any other episodes. I stick by that show as a guilty pleasure.

What shows do you love or have as a guilty pleasure but your friends hate?

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My guilty pleasure show is sex and the city. i dont know why but i love that show.

Modern Family. None of my mates like it, i cant get enough

total they get super bored

It’s actually the other way around for me because, for instance, my friends have really gotten into anime recently and they want me to try to get into it as well but I refuse to watch it because I am one of those people that don’t do what everyone else is doing, which is sometimes a good thing and sometimes a bad thing.