Shows with too many seasons?
One of the problems that comes with introducing other people into a show you like is the seemingly endless amount of seasons the show already has for you to watch. It can get really hard to force yourself through so many seasons just to catch up. How do you feel about this, and what show(s) have you watched that were this way?

the walking dead feels this way... i'll rewatch it once when i have like 2 months with nothing to do

[+] 1 user Likes gogo24's post
The obvious one would have to be the Simpsons. I can't believed it's been renewed again.

[+] 1 user Likes SecretKeeper's post
shameless has some 10 + seasons and going strong.
the big bang theory had 12 seasons in total
game of thrones.

[+] 1 user Likes aprilwinter's post
Simpsons, Supernatural, and Grey`s Anatomy are examples of series who went for far too long. I remember hearing of Supernatural 6 years ago and thinking "Gosh, is it still going?". I am a strong believer that stories should have a beginning, middle, and end, and no story can go forever indefinitely. If it needs to be long, shouldn`t be beyond a dog`s lifetime. But I must say I understand why they did so. Money.

Not specifically a series, but One Piece also annoys me that is taking so long to go anywhere.

I agree and sometimes half of the seasons aren't really on par with the g o o d ones.
The ones that made you start watching it in the first place.

[+] 1 user Likes drippinwitease's post
The Walking Dead should have quit a long time ago.

[+] 1 user Likes Dgvctv's post
... The Walking Dead

the walking dead..

The office total 9 seasons and too many episodes

[+] 1 user Likes eBlack2's post
Game of Thrones feels like low hanging fruit here...but Game of Thrones comes to mind

[+] 1 user Likes HiddenIdentity's post
Friends and Modern family. Yes they are funny, but in the end, they are repetitive.

Like others have said, the Walking Dead

Stranger things, the episodes are long and now they’re forcing seasons now that they’re popular. Like the third season it just wasn’t that good.

Walking dead

The walking dead is a prime example

Sons of anarchy, The Walking Dead, Supernatural or any of those superhero tv shows