Single Player vs. Online
It's possible that this question is a little too broad and situation specific to answer, but when deciding to purchase a game, what is more important to you: online multiplayer modes or single player story type modes? In general, I see online as providing more hours of entertainment, but imo nothing beats RDR level of storytelling available in their single player campaign modes. Admittedly, I'm not a massive gamer though

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I love online multiplayer and have probably spent most of my gaming time in that category. However, a great single player campaign is hard to beat when you just want to relax more and not focus too hard on beating others. It really comes down to what the actual game is as I would say that the overall features the game has is the deciding factor for when I purchase games.

Depends on the game, single player is always king in my mind.

I think multiplayer games are more enjoyable and bring more content wise, I also feel like multiplayer games just live alot longer and are more enjoyable in the long run.

I only play multiplayer games if I am sure that my friends are going to play too. I think that the best part of playing is having a good time with your hommies Smile .

I mostly play online games but sometimes I really need so space from the toxicity and start playing solo story games