Skateboards or longboards?
What does everyone here prefer, I just got a cruiser and been loving it but it’s my first board so I don’t have a reference

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Skateboard all the way

I mean they’re both good for different things but I hate the most use out of my skateboard.

Tbh it’s whatever makes u happy

They don't make skateboards for my size, and a longboard that would work for me is super expensive, so I guess it's back to my car I go.

I'm pretty new to skate but I would say skateboard is better

longboard are too big tbh i use a skateboard but when i just want to cruise i put some longboard wheels on my board

İ have a friend that has longboard its heavy that makes you go faster down the road but its always which are you comfortable with

Skateboards 110%, just being versatile from point a to b is pure freedom

skateboards retro Cool


electric longboard Smile Really fast and easy way to do my commute