Snapchat thief
Hi Everyone. So I've veen following a lady on Sc for months and finally decided to pay for her premium. Got her to live verify, all good there. Paid her and then she just ignored all my messages and didn't add me. I opened multiple other accounts and tried to reason with her but she just kept blocking me.
I've emailed her on her PayPal email address but she doesn't respond.
Now I'm not bothered by the money, it was nothing really. But the injustice of it is really pissing me off.
Any thoughts on what I could do? I've reported her account numerous times but she hasn't been banned.
I know Sc is the worst place to pay for content, but I took a chance and it backfired, so no need for lectures, just thoughts on what I can do.

Publicize that shit. Put it out there on reddit and twitter or something that this person is a fraud.

[+] 1 user Likes harolde157's post
I'm pretty sure there are premium service review forums that you can blast her socials on. It's so other people like you won't be scammed by them. That sucks to hear

[+] 1 user Likes skuraitsang's post
I followed her story for about 8 months before paying her. Really thought she was good on her word

Yeah I woyld make that public. Starting with Reddit is a good choice

if you want to get back at her, yes publicize it. but also dispute the charge on PayPal. if you dispute it, she has to prove that you're in the wrong. which 1) forces her to talk to you and 2) will catch her in a lie which you can use to expose her even more. plus, u get the money back

Name and shame if you are that bothered about it, otherwise just move on. I get that it's frustrating though bro.