So how has COVID affected your sex lives?
For me - quite the improvement! More time at home means more time together, meaning more play time too!
I know there are many divorces and break ups too...
How is your experience?

Lol same I’d say an improvement didn’t even have a girlfriend before, now shits great

I actually met the girl I am dating right now because of COVID! Not a lot of good things have come out of this whole situation, but at least I know one thing has. We have been dating for about 6.5 months and so far everything is going well! We graduate college in May though and it will be interesting to see how things turn out. Hopefully she's the one

Same as experience as you, more time together means that we have more time to have fun.

More and more! Best form of stress relief.

Can't say the same, should've got me a girl before lockdown and start living together, now it's too late and I'm not even meeting people anymore.
Then again, I don't want the mess of having a steady relationship, so I guess it all cancels out and I'm at neutral now. Hahaha.

Sheesh where to begin, at the start of COVID I had a real good relationship, kinky as all get out. Three months later I'm back to lube and my right hand.

Well, we do what we can..
No shame in slapping the salami

no one cares, everyone on tinder still fucks

No change for me, both of us are still full time at work (her carung/nursing and me working for a company who is sub contracted to government work. About 3 times a week on a average

no change for me too!

Didn't have one beforehand, so not at all. Cool

Lol i've fucked 3 girls since covid but like every 3 weeks to monthly intervals

Good on you for social distancing haha