So what are you doing with your time in lockdown?
Im trying to learn japanese and it's actually going alright.

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Same as what I usually do, play games.

Im using this time to learn absolutely useless talents to flex on people with when we next meet.

Trying to be productive and hoping to go back to a more proper work environment.

Trying to use my time wisely by reading, working out, and cooking. It's been nice staying at home and saving money by not eating out.

Trying to stay active. Most of the time goes to work but running helps

Still have lots of schoolwork  Sad

play games, trying to build some furniture around the house!

working form home hahaah

I’ve been focusing on finding new hobbies.

Sleeping a lot

i just play games and watch shows Big Grin

our lockdown ended months ago

Finally got a job. Other than that just the same old shit.

Eats, Games, Sleeps, Body building

An endless circle.

Netflix and chill ???

Watching Anime and playing games. Not my proudest year. :/

Reading books

pretty much reading books, been a bit of a write off year to be honest

Playing games, the usual.