Source of Motivation?
Hey all!

Where do you find motivation when you're not feeling ambitious or what do you do to maintain your motivation?  Do you always go back to the same source or different places?  Share it with the rest of us, please!!

I personally think it's all about discipline, you can do anything you put your mind to by being disciplined but motivation only works for things that are easy or fun

watch motivation videos on different ways and find the creative ones that work with you, or eventually make up you own reasons to feel passionate or motivated to do something. like tony robbin says you can use both pain and pleasure emotions to drive you to do what you really want. its amater of free choice and joggging down all the goals that sound cool or fun to do or a purpose.

i agree a different level of work ethic is all about discipline and creating that habit.  they say roughly to ingrain a habit it takes over a week at least.   and long term habbit probably 1-3 months depending on your level of mental emotional and value commitment of reasons you make to why its meaningful.

motivation videos really do help.  and finding something you're interested in.

2 words, 1 name. Nipsey Hussle.

I try to compete against myself. If I set a goal, I set that goal as a competition for myself and anything that surpasses that goal is me “beating myself.” It also helps to have an end goal in sight and to incrementalize your larger goals into smaller goals along the way.

sometimes I lose the motivation to go to school. then I search up salary of my goal and other people also going and get motivated

having to pay the rent and not wanting to starve