Space Vacation: wold you go?
With elon musk and his billionaire mates alreasdy planning space tours on shuttles and plans to build domes so people can vacation on the moon, i have to ask would you risk your life to travel into space? and if you would why? what is the pull of risking your life to be somewhere you can literally see every night by looking up?

mars! it seems the easiest to me.

yesss sounds lit, elon to the moooon

No? There probably wouldn't be much to do

Never been to space, so absolutely yes! that songs so fun

Yes I would go it would be a fun experience!

Finland, i love hot and cold at same timeSmile

I'd risk it to travel to mars, it'll be a once in a lifetime experience imo!

doesn't matter anyways. There will probably be only a few hundred people who can actually afford it