Who follows speedrunning here?

Any specific games or categories you follow?

I personally really enjoy Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time speedruns. I'll watch just about anything ZFG puts out.

I don't normally support them as i appreciate games too much haha but i did stumble upon someone trying to beat their own PB on Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and actually enjoying watching it. His PB was about 36mins and must've watched him attempt it for a few hours straight

I don’t follow speedrunning but when I see videos of it I find it hard to stop watching tbh. Last speedrun I watched was of GTA V

Yeah BotW speedruns are nutty, there are so many tricks that go into it.

I like to watch speed runs on twitch when theres a major live event like ESA or GDQ.  

A good place to check out 

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My gf tries to speedrun crypt of the NecroDancer - record of hers is 16 minutes ^^`

minecraft is mainstream speedrun game isn't it, but recently I wanna speedrun stardew valley 100 complete

I tried speedrunning Slay the Spire. Never managed to get less than 9 as i suck in Act 3.

Speed ​​runs are hard and hard

i follow minecraft & gta san andreas cause idk

Minecraft Speed runs are POG , those people are insane