Star Trek: Which Series Do You Like The Most?
Which Star Trek series do you like the most personally overall and why? This is naturally a difficult subjective question, but I think after consideration I would still be tied between TNG and DS9 but perhaps DS9 might be a better contender. I've never been able to truly enjoy the TOS, though I definitely understand plenty of episodes that were really solid especially considering the historical context, the TAS was just much better paced at the time. TNG was always my favorite and I personally like episodic stories that fit into overarching plotlines instead of serialization. DS9 is very solid, of course all of the STs will suffer the intial two season growing pains per usual, DS9 had some great characters and without foresight utilized them to positive effect. VOY had the same spirit as TNG but was a bit cornier, but if you rewatch and binge it's a lot less bad than some may recall, unfortunately it does take four seasons to get into it's more solid role, not to entirely discount the earlier seasons which were hit or miss. ENT conversely was fun in my opinion, the first season was a great casual introduction to science fiction tropes, of course this is divisive as it may have ostracized fervent fans but I enjoyed it for what it was and am rather confused why more people are actually more supportive of the last two seasons instead of the first two. DISC is totally incomprehensible to me, I welcome anyone who is a huge ST fan to show me the light as to why this change in direction was the right one. Picard is really good, it's effectively TNG era film storylines in streaming form. Overall, I'm stuck between TNG and DS9, but I'd say DS9 would win out as the series I look back more fondly at. So, which series do you like the most and why?

The Original Series
The Animated Series
The Next Generation
Deep Space 9

[+] 1 user Likes kailar.drevion's post
I just started with the whole star trek shows. I started with the first enterprise last year, i found it on netflix and thought i'd give it a go and i know it's probably the worst show of all but man i fell in love with it all, so after i finished i watched TNG which made me fall in love with it more, after i finished i watched the voyager because i heard that a new show was dropping (Star Trek Picard) and heard there will be some references to voyager, It was a good show but nothing compared to TNG. And now i just finished discovery, i think the whole plot and story is really great but focusing on one character is meh, plus all the characters weren't that good either. I'm not saying that i am a deep rooted fan for star trek but i am trying to be and i think i will be starting DS9 soon so thank you for all the info you've provided me with and good luck!

[+] 1 user Likes shadyseal's post
You'll definitely like DS9 then! It has a very strong ensemble cast with great chemistry and it focuses on multiple characters to a much larger extent. DS9 also has a few crossovers with TNG too as it started a few years into TNG's run.

Since you enjoyed TNG, you should also definitely checkout the movies, for TNG that would be First Contact, Insurrection, Nemesis. Also checkout Picard of course. Enjoy!

I've always loved TNG, it was the perfect show in my opinion with the perfect mix of philosophy, comedy, sadness, and seriousness a show could ever want. Plus I watched it from start to finish with my dad, and we met Jonathan Frakes at comic con a few months after we finished. Always brings back good memories

[+] 1 user Likes Irishman's post
Unpopular opinion but mine is enterprise, by season 3 it started to get good and was cancelled too soon

[+] 1 user Likes Thewookiewacker's post
Enterprise was definitely cancelled too soon as it started to gain traction, it felt like the only science fiction show during a period where science fiction popularity was dwindling. TOS also got cancelled within three seasons as it became more popular, TNG and DS9 got to have one or two seasons to get through its growing pains, VOY got four seasons until it got stronger. Most of the time I hear of any discussion about Enterprise is mostly the praise of the last two seasons but I personally liked the first two more. I think the problem with Enterprise was that it made a drastic switch in an effort to get more viewers but after the switch they couldn't decide on focusing on serialization or an episodic format and thus ostracized prior fans and newer fans alike. I felt the serialization lacking and it was hard to invest myself into it due to the weak Xindi storyline that was sprinkled throughout, I found it interesting but they never fully explored it to my liking, I suppose it was similar to the Dominion in DS9 but that was at least balanced by making it relevant to actual characters within the main cast such as Odo and Garak whereas the Xindi storyline only affected Archer and he was only along for the ride. Binge watching Enterprise makes it much more enjoyable but it might make it that much more obvious how the pacing might have been excruciating and confusing for the uninitiated viewer during the original airtime. I'm also personally fine with retcons as long as the show itself is consistent and Enterprise had a lot of fun interpretations as a prequel but obviously diehard fans didn't take to that either.

[+] 1 user Likes kailar.drevion's post
For me its TNG, hooked me into star trek as a teenager, but i have always had a soft spot for voyager

I liked Voyager too, it was pretty similar TNG with its episodic format. You should check out The Orville (2017) series, it's slightly more oriented towards comedy but it takes itself seriously as well with a lot of amusing sci-fi tropes and I think it faithfully reproduces the spirit of TNG.