Star citizen?
Anyone hear keep with the games development. I like to check in on it every now and then but because of the trickle feed of updates + content it's hard to actually get a good understanding of whats progressed other than the obvious things.

The game is taking it's own sweet time. Any kickstarter backer of SC should know this by now. Haters will call the game a scam, and supporters will defend the game till it's death. Both parties aren't wrong. If someone wants a space exploration game to play now, the SC is NOT the game for them. They have no reason to stay and watch the snail pace development of the game.

For now, if you're a followe,r, just enjoy whatever alpha content is out at the moment. It's not much but it's a small reflection of what's to come.

Its a expensive game, try eve online and get a better experience on space.

Elite Dangerous is also a good game to scratch your space itch. It's grindy, but probably less grindy than something like EVE

Is that game still in beta?