Steam Summer Sale Loot
The Steam Summer Sale just ended, what did y'all pick up? I didn't see anything super interesting, grabbed some DLC for civ 6 and that's about it. What about you guys?

Just bought forza horizon 4

hades, hollow knight and celeste, i just catched them when they drop their prices

It takes two and AC Origins, both really fun games, still playing origins right now actually

Bless the fact that the sexy brutale was 80% off that game is bloody fun. Picked up deep rock to play with friends and celeste which I haven't gotten to yet

Dead by daylight, I like this type of games

cheap old story games, like mad max, ac, etc

I only got rust

I bought too many games and now have a huge Steam library of stuff that I will never get around to playing. With the games so cheap it's easy to go crazy over them.

I picked a lots of dlcs i rly love theses sales

I got muse dash (50 cents lol), tales of vesperia, tales of berseria, and tekken 7 + some dlc

Oh shit I missed muse dash, been eyeing that one