Stock Picks?
anybody into day trading?  anything worth getting into?

TSLA seems hot right now

Giga-v is at the sky atm

SQQQ with options seems to be the way to go. It's a tripple leveraged stock that is inverse to the NASQ so when NASQA goes up 1% it goes down 3%. pretty great for options

Tsla all the way

Investing in TSLA is the definition of high risk high reward. P/E ratio is insane...

Market isn't doing too great right now. People love their tech picks. I don't like to give stock advice because it gets people dependent on stock advice. 

There's a few things you can look at when picking stocks. One of the biggest things is the "P/E" or, the price of 1 share divided by the earnings per share. The higher P/E is, the less "bang for your buck" that you're getting. Stocks with high P/E aren't always a bad thing; sometimes that means that the market is saying there is high potential for continued growth in the company.

Another thing you should be looking at is the balance sheet. How much Revenue is the company taking in? What is their expenses? Is their Income (Revenue - Expenses) positive?

What is their equity situation? Equity is the value of their Assets (i.e. real estate, cash on hand, etc) - Liabilities (i.e. Debt). Do they have positive equity? Companies with stocks that have a low P/E might look like you're getting a steal, but if they have negative equity and negative income it might be a sign that they are becoming financially insolvent and that they are not a good company to invest in.

If you're concerned about investing in any one particular stock, an ETF might be right for you; just beware of ETFs with a large expense ratio (i.e. money taken out of account for managing the ETF). Vanguard is generally pretty good about having low expanse ratios.

stick with AAPL for the big dollars, especially with new iphone announcement around the corner

Maybe Tesla or Amazon.

QQQJ is the best bet. Thank me later.
Short WKHS & DPHC. They won't win any contract with USPS.