Anyone here buy and sell stocks? If so what type of stocks would you guys recommend right now. Am trying to get into stocks and have take a few online classes to get me introduced. Am planning on starting small so no big expensive stocks at the moment.

Buy a lot of big tech companies man, they’re reliable. Get MSFT, AAPL, SQ, NVDA and all the othrrr. Tech is the future so they’re reliable

As others have mentioned big tech stocks are typically pretty reliable investments that will gradually rise with time, but these stocks can sometimes be pretty expensive. The best method I have found is to stay updated with market related news like a company acquisition or a company going public, sometimes but not always the market will react and so it is good to be quick. Or you could just be that guy who spends all day on r/wallstreetbets and go all in on the stock of the month.

Just always do your own research before you buy.

Technology companies are growing a lot right now. Some that I would recommend would be AMZN AAPL TSLA QQQ

Im waiting till biden gets in office and we will see how the market reacts. I just dont like buying at all time highs

Look into alternative fuel stocks. EV stocks are on the rise.

Nah its about the