Story based porn or just straight up sex?
What does everyone prefer?  I have always enjoyed having a story with my porn, it makes it feel... approachable (probably not the best word) and it provides some humor to how ridiculous they will go with it.  While straight up sex does get the job done, it just feels... weird.

Story, not even close

I like amateur so just straight up sex I guess

But if it's studio/professional stuff, then a little story can't hurt

[+] 1 user Likes Consistent-Speech-13's post
I guess it depends, but I probably lean towards story.

story but homemade kinda hits different at times

[+] 1 user Likes lunaakun's post
I agree, homemade/amateur stuff is a category of its own. I think its in line with story to a degree... it feels more natural and not as forced at the full on studio stuff

i like story based better

story, 100% no question

Nah story is so much better, cause in real life u don’t just find a random girl and fuck her right then and there, there backstory, pickup lines , and plot, and also story allows you to be creative

story for sure

Story, straight up can be a turn off sometimes rofl

depends, mostly stories but sometimes like in some videos like ersties ones it's good to see two people just going at it

Story based is the best for me. I like having a setting

Story for sure. Especially when done right

Also, in the "It depends" camp as straight up sex is almost mechanical.

Can these porn studios can come up with something other than step-sibling or step-parents, please!?

I like a simple story if any, I can't stand when they take ages to fuck.

story based porn turns me on

stories that may be real are the best