Subs or dubs?
Used to be hardcore sub only, but I've warmed up more to dubs since their quality has immensely improved and sometimes I want to have anime on as I do something else. Harder to multi-task when I need to read subtitles to know what's going on.

Always subbed

Always sub, dub doesnt do it for me :p

Ofc %100 subs

Subs - original actors' voices are always better to listen.

Subs for sure, unless it's anime. Dubbing looking absolutely ridiculous with live actors. Super distracting.

subs unless its an absolute improvement like how the ghost story dub makes it a comedy

Generally speaking I prefer subs but there's a couple dubs that aren't too bad in my opinion.

Subs all the way. There are some shows that have dubs on par with subs, but for the most part I prefer when speaking matches the words I'm hearing. Plus, I get to say I 'read' Smile

Subs for the most part unless you grew up with the dub version of that particular anime as already said ITT Pokemon and YuGiOh. Also dub on late 80s early 90s OVAs are great for the cheese and over the top profanity.

I think some dubs can do very good jobs, but never give you the full experience as subs

Original voice is everything. Subs!

I like both but I prefer dubs over subs I feel like sometimes subs get boring

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one hundred percent subs

Dubbed animes are my favorite

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Subs for sure. A lot of the dubs I've tried to watch are so cringy.

Dubs all the way

Definitely subs. Original voice is part of the performance. It's almost impossible for the dub actor/actress to mimic all of the emotion from the original performance.

subs are almost always better

It really depends tbh. I've watched some amazing dub's and some amazing sub's. Shows are usually short enough to give a rewatch with both (like demon slayer). But for something like My Hero i usually go for dub.