Was pretty Hype- especially "DOJA" sounds insane.

What Im curious about is the robot, I dont think we will see the finished product in the next 5 years.

How about you?



Definitely not seeing Teslabot working in the next 5 years.
Also, Elon Musk has a terrible track record. He is always over promising and under delivering.

Wait until Elon is charged for manipulating crypto.

Quote: Wait until Elon is charged for manipulating crypto.
Can't do that to CIA assets. Besides, Elon probably has a lot of the CIA blackmail over D.C. on his servers, so he's gonna get away with whatever he wants. His only hangup is all those wonderful rare earth elements that we refuse to mine.

The robot scares me for one reason, jobs. This is built to outwork current workers and will, if popularized, put people out of jobs

No it wont. Thats Naive, the number of people that dont to work 10$ an hour at mcdonals or at some factory at horrible conditions are growing rapidly.



Quote: The robot scares me for one reason, jobs. This is built to outwork current workers and will, if popularized, put people out of jobs
It'll do the exact opposite of what you think. Robot systems will do the general/mass manufacture work available, but it will still require human interaction and assistance, because robots will not have the intuition that humans possess. Humans have to watch the robots to make sure they are functioning properly, and humans will be the ones to do the maintenance. This will be primarily for major manufacturers that will spam the world markets with their major goods, like cars and trucks.

What will happen is that blue collar workers will end up specializing more, since robots will take up the boring/generic manufacturing jobs. They'l become the experts that repair and maintain the robots, as well as manufacture those parts. Much like cars are the bane of mechanics, robots will be the bane of robot specialists. That means more jobs for blue collar workers. But it also means that blue collar workers will end up being much more educated than they were in the past.

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