Tell about your first (proper) physical fight
I was 16. we were at a small village party and a strange strange guy ran around for a long time topless in front of the entrance of the party. At some point he started a fight with one of my friends, whereupon he hit 4 people in the face in short succession. when he walked towards me, a wild exchange of blows started. he tore my t-shirt, my knee hit his face several times, but he didn't fall over. my father, who was also at the party, noticed it. then it clicked with him when he saw my bleeding neck. suddenly there were 30-40 people standing on the street between my father and the strange guy. one of my friends walked around the crowd in a very relaxed way and sent the guy out of the blind spot with a superman punsh into the hedge and continued fighting with him. He was still standing after that. Finally the police came and took him away and found a good amount of cocaine on him. that explained some of it.

Fightin is nasty shit, worse as you get older

i was in my middle school that we were throwing stuff across the classroom. I accidentally throw it in the face of my classmate, so he chases after me. I beat the crap out of him after...i am sorry for him...

Me and the other kid both got bruised face but he also got an injured right arm. Fighting is nasty and I don't wanna get involved in one again

Never been in one. Had a few close calls but was always able to calm down the situation.

Call me a pussy but I’m in my mid-30s and didn’t have a fight yet  Cool