Terraria is a superior game.
im just here to drop a statement, nothing else.
yeah sure its 2d minecraft, but its 2d minecraft that surpassed what it was copying.
it is simply a masterpiece and you'll have to shoot me to change my opinion.

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Starbound is better tho.

saw this on steam and it was on sale. Never got it because I didnt think i would like it. I'll probably eventually get it and give it a try

Thinking about getting it as well on Stadia

They're both great games. They arent really comparable though, dunno where the whole 2d Minecraft meme came from. Yeah they both have blocks but thats about the only similarity.

i agree, i spent at least 100hours to play terraria

I can't deny that I get bored of Minecraft way faster than I do Terraria.

I enjoy Minecraft way more. Just find terraria can get a little boring. Enjoy starbound however.

terraria is superior!!! it's so good