The American Divide
Why is America so divided and why do people have such a hard time listening respectfully to what others have to say? It seems like a lot of people think that they're always right and everybody else is always wrong.

Unfortunately, it's easier to dunk on people than it is to listen and have an honest discussion. Social media has built tiny echo chambers that allow people to hear only what they want to hear.

People always say how important it is to be tolerant. It's a shame so many people think opposing viewpoints are something that should be demonized rather than heard and discussed.

To be fair, I think most people don't take politics that seriously and it doesn't really come up in daily life. However, those who do view those who don't share their views as the other camp and wrong, because they don't want to be on the "wrong side." It's bipartisanship and it's unfortunately black and white instead of shades of grey for most issues.