The Boys Season 2 - Amazon Prime
I'm pretty hyped on this Season 2, Season 1 was well done with some divergence from the comic, wondering how much they might turn back to it and how much they are going to diverge?

The trailers, including the one with the new hero, has me really excited. How about everyone else?


Can't wait for season 2, loved the first one


Can't wait for season 2, loved the first one

Yeah, season 2 will be pretty awesome by the looks of it.  I hope they preserve some of the comic twists, but it looks like they are gearing the series up to be more open ended, as the comic is limited.

That makes sense, I have never read the comic but maybe I will have to

[quote] honestly seeing this post made me put it on my docket for tonight thanks![/quote]

Liked the first season a lot, probably watch again before season 2 starts. I've been trying to avoid the comics spoilers for this show, but it's way too good lol.

Interested in seeing how much they'll show on the show compared to the comics.

Cant wait for this!

Really looking forward for season 2

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[quote]The first series was unexpectedly good. [/quote

[Image: giphy.gif]

Agreed, this show was much better than I thought it would be.

Yeah man i cant wait till it comes out

Ahhh thanks for the reminder that this has come out!

is this show really good i need something to watch

Thanks for the reminder!! I just found that Bob's Burgers is now on Prime!!

Very excited for it to drop. Probably my favorite superhero show.

By far my favorite character is the deep. Can not stop laughing at pretty much all of his scenes

A friend told me that he didn't think it was going to follow the comics very closely after watching the season and seeing some of the spoilers.

It's on my to-watch list

I'm so excited that I'm even afraid to be disappointed!

The first couple episodes are good so far. I'm just waiting for HomeLander to have a complete melt down this seaon.