The Green Knight A24
Anyone else excited for this? Looks great but it seems like it’s not being marketed too heavily; wonder if it’s gonna do we’ll.

[+] 1 user Likes Spitballjones23 Skip's post
Looks good probably gonna busy the box office tho

I think it looks good. Seems unlike most A24 stuff (have they done fantasy before?) and Dev Patel is a great actor. Seems like visually will be pretty cool too.

Yeah i liked the look of it from the trailer -- that scene with the massive walking people was trippy

One of the movies I'm looking forward to the most this year. Haven't read the book but there's a JRR Tolkien translation of it that'd be fun to read before watching the movie itself (I'm guessing it's the same source material?)

I'm pretty stoked for this one, will probably try to read the JRR Tolkien translation first but just based on the trailers I'm excited

Looks great. A shame it was pushed back from last year. Seems like they are having a hard time rebuilding the hype.

A24 don't always do well in theaters so i bet it will bomb

After skimming over the plot of this movie, it seems to deviate quite a bit from the original poem. Not sure if the new parts are good or bad though.