The Recruit
Anyone else watching this series?  I haven't seen season 2 yet, but I am rewatching season 1 since its been so long.  I think its one of the most well written series on Netflix.  I was so happy to learn it was renewed and didn't fall in the Netflix black hole.

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I got into season 1 like a month before season 2 came out. I really enjoy it, and I agree its really well written. I won't get into season 2, but from what I remember in season 1 Owen was really clever and observant, although Max was in control for most of their professional relationship. Owen wasn't completely under her thumb and wasnt letting himself get to badly involved. (even with how their relationship ended) I also really like Owens dynamic with his roommate and ex-gf. Although I do really like Hannah (and her actress is amazing- and hot), Im really hoping she kinda cuts Owen out of her life. I wish they could just be friends, she cares about him too much and I sometimes wonder if Owen doesnt care as much. The writing overall is really great. I really liked the way season 1 flowed into season 2 and I think hey setup another nice transition for season 3. Impatiently waiting for news on that

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