The best games to relax to
My favourites after a long day of work are games like Red Dead Redemption 2 or Ghost of Tsushima.

Can anyone recommend me other types of games that serve this purpose?

I personally like the Assassin's Creed games, even though a lot of people don't. I haven't been crazy about the most recent ones, but AC: Odyssey and AC: Origins were a lot of fun, though I admit I'm a lover of Greek and Egyptian history, which is when those games are based. AC: Black Flag was also a lot of fun, though you may want to wait until the rumored update comes out. In the meantime, the others can likely be found on sale at various places.

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Yeah I like AC aswell, especially Odissey was beautiful. The viking one was very slow and I couldnt finish it, just riding on horse for 5 minutes to get to people bored me

For me little bit older games like tetris or pinball

Skyrim, Civ VI- completely opposite games but the OST really relaxes me. Exploring in the skyrim woods with just a calm OST background and playing a chill game of Civ with different civilization music in the background is quite relaxing.

Visually I do have to agree with the others. RDR2, GoT and AC Odessey has one of the best, beautifully crafted worlds. To add Witcher 3 especially its Skellige portion and Cyberpunk.

Power washing simulator. You get lost in that game. The sounds of high pressure water hitting dirty surfaces, ASMR game.

I know this isn't a popular one but far cry 5 is one of the most relaxing games i've played , especially with it's soundtrack.