The future of PHP
Do you think that PHP have future or JavaScript will make it disappear?

They've both got their imperfections. JS was not intended or designed to be a back-end language. PHP was created by a guy who is on record as saying he didn't know how to design a language. I think it's all pretty funny. Who knows what the future will hold!

Php isn't dead but it definitely isn't sexy. JS has been on top of the world for a while now (since nodejs came in to the scene). Every cloud service offers solutions that support node.. and JS will remain on top for a long time, at least in the web/ui world at least until something like blazor/web assbembly or something picks up steam

Server side js just has so many advantages of being such a popular language

dude php just came out with some new features and its going to be here for awhile.. take everything with a grain of salt. You shouldn't care... because you will learn how to use a different tool that does the same job down the road anyways.

I have a friend making banks taking contracts for Magento/PHP website. Definitely not dead when it comes to a customized e-commerce platform.

I am still convinced that Javascript is a terrible language, it was initially designed in a very short time and some of the decisions were pretty dumb.
The old features of PHP have been mostly deprecated which has not yet happened in Javascript, it still has the baggage of backward compatibility from the first versions.

PHP 8 looks to be pretty good, i have not tried it but it should be ok
