Thought on drunk sex
Do you think it is okay to have sex with girl that is atleast 75% drunk? Given that she is not knocked out drunk and willingly go back to your apartment with you, but you know shes going to regret it the next day.

I am by no means a pussy slayer but here is my experience,

I was on a lads holiday and I was rather drunk myself and saw some girls on the dance floor. I walked up to the less attractive of the 2 and started dancing, kissed her and flat out told her I wanted to fuck her. (I was a massive dick, I know) she kept saying we could go back to her hotel and cuddle but I said. If we go back we are fucking and that is it. Tomorrow you will be nothing to me. She again said we could go back but just cuddling. It was obvious she was down to fuck but didn’t want to come across a slut.

At the hotel,
We got to her room, made out, I took her top off, we carried on kissing and she started wanking me off a bit, it was very clear she hadn’t done it before. I took her tights and underwear off and started playing with her a bit and fingering her then I flipped her over. I spread her cheeks and she had shit on her ass, anyway I decided I was done and put my clothes back on. By the time I was dressed she was out cold, fast asleep.

It wasn’t a good experience and I’m glad I stopped when I did.

I’m not sure if she really wanted to have sex and I feel bad for how I spoke to her, (I spoke to her like that cos I’d had a recent breakup and didn’t really give a shit) even tho it seemed to work somehow.

From my experience above, I think it’s wrong and you should wait for the person to be sober, hook up are nearly always shit.


at 75 percent? probably not...

If you're sober or sober enough to know she's going to regret it? Hell no

Nah, I’d go for about 30-50%, even then make sure it’s okay.

Ehh idk about that

Here is my general idea of drunk sex. If you guys both got drunk by your own accord and are both willing, then do what you want. If you regret it after, that's on you.

Legally speaking, no. Not at any point.
The argument can be made in court that it was rape, and in fact often does. Even if both parties were drunk, or the man was moreso, he's the only one going to prision.

If that's your thing, you're gonna have to tell your gf or whatever that that is your thing and hope she does it for you now and then, or get in with a drunkard but that's it's own problem.