Thoughts and Expectations for Battlefield 6?
I'd like to know how some of you guys feel about the upcoming Battlefield 6 game and the expectations you have; do you guys think it'll live up to the hype or not, and why? Is it a game worth waiting for? I'm not a super OG player but I have been playing BF4 lately and I've been enjoying that, I hope some elements of that game can be seen throughout the upcoming sequel. I also played Battlefield I back in 2017 but imo it wasn't as enjoyable as I thought it'd be. Would BF6 be a 2021 headliner?

Should get some more info on this game soon, right?

I mean it is EA, but perhaps with the absolute failure known as Battlefield 5, maybe they've learned their lesson, and will go back to making games with good stories, and worth while multiplayer

I really hope it's another modern day shooter I mean bf3 and bf4 were my most played bf game. In battlefield for some reason I just can't play from older eras it just different feel the same which is why I have high hopes on bf6 because I didn't play bf1/5 the ones about the world wars

i played almost every battlefield game, and love them all
but one in specific has a part in my heart, that is bf2 and bad company 2
maybe something like these games would be really cool
maybe bad company 3? a not big map, but really cool ones
i have so much fun playing bad company