Thoughts on Bad Batch Show?
Personally, I enjoy how the show broadens the scope of the Star Wars universe. It gives insight on how palpatine manipulated whole populations and how quick the empire rose. What are your thoughts?

[+] 2 users Like Ruehe's post
Haven't finished it yet, but so far it's been great. Maybe not as good as TCW but nonetheless better than the disney trilogy.

[+] 2 users Like Test Blyat's post
I also prefer clone wars because it's directly tied to the main films and Anakin. Bad Batch is more of a fun and world building show in my opinion.

[+] 1 user Likes Ruehe's post
it is pretty amazing

when these guys were in clone wars i knew i would really like the show

[+] 1 user Likes houndarounddowntown's post
cool idea but i want to see how the full season turns out

[+] 2 users Like samw34099's post
Is this show worth watching?

[+] 1 user Likes Leibstandarte_SS's post
I haven't seen it yet, I want it to finish so I can binge the entire series in one go, from what I heard, it's good.

[+] 1 user Likes cartfan123's post
How childish is the show? Like is it definitely aimed toward children more or no?

It still has some of that cheesy Star Wars 3D animated feel to it.

Clone Wars and Rebels were good shows and smart for LucasFilm at the time, but overall functioned more like those Expanded Universe books throughout the 1990's that were entertaining but are now not considered part of the real history.

The show is entertaining but it's hard to feel like it's very meaningful since it doesn't directly relate to the character and story of the original trilogy or prequel trilogy movies.

The humor and characterization is a bit cheesy and overly stoic uberstrong characters, but at least it is not the annoying sequel trilogy.

I mean it has the same great visuals as the Clone Wars, and shows the universe right after the rise of the Empire, so overall it has alot going for it.

Great show, it has been about time that they continued the Clone Wars sage and Bad Batch was the perfect show to do it with.