Thoughts on Black Mirror?
Anyone here seen Black Mirror? If so, how did y'all like it? For me, I thought that the episodes were generally quite impactful and intriguing to watch. There were some that didn't really resonate with me unfortunately, such as The Waldo Moment but those were far and few between. I feel like some of the episodes could be (an albeit exaggerated) portent of what is to come in our future if we allow for technology to run rampant without anyone at the helm to rein it back in and direct its progress (such as facial tracking/gait tracking rolling out in China).


Black Miror is clearly a good show, episodes like "Black Museum" or "
The Entire History of You" are really thought provoking and scary. But like the episode with Miley Cyrus is just straight garbage I think, I really hope to see new episode soon.

The great thing about Black Mirror is that it's an anthology series, basically a series of short films with a common theme. That means that a few bad episodes don't really detract from the rest. That being said, it can be hit or miss.

^^ it can be pretty hit or miss at times but a lot of the episodes are really good. Especially the ones from earlier seasons.

The latest season felt the least inspired out of them all, but I still enjoyed it because the technological dystopia genre is interesting. This show deserves the attention it has and then some.