Thoughts on art commissions?
I have yet to commission any artist for myself due to lack of funds but what do you think of commissioning?

Likes or dislikes, experiences, preferred artists or payment methods, so on, so forth.

I've commissioned a few artists before(not porn related) and it depends on how professional they were. A bad artist is someone who wants full payment, doesn't ask for many references, takes a long time to show a rough sketch, doesn't show the progress, and lack of communication. I've had one and lost $100 by it. You just need to be very careful and make sure how professional they are by researching them

I have commissioned a couple of artworks. I think the most important part is communication. If both parties understand each other, in the end, everyone will be happy.

Also an important factor is the individual art style of the artist. Pick one that you like in the first place.