Thoughts on "live fast, not long" games like Fortnite, Fall Guys, Among Us, etc?
What do you guys think about these games that seem to pop up and start growing on explosive popularity to the point that that's the only game that a lot of people talk about? From recent memory, Fortnite was the first to be truly dominant over social media and basically have come out of nowhere. There was also Apex Legends which was touted as the "Fortnite Killer", but at best it just took away a small chunk of the playerbase. More recently, there has been a ton of Fall Guys, especially on Youtube and Among Us, which now dominates every social media known to man.

I think they're usually fun games, but then the fanbase and the memes and whatnot get old fast. But I'm not one of those people who hates Fortnite cause it's too popular or anything like that.

I don't know if any of those games are live fast since they are still getting patched. In general new games are the ones that get people the most excited and will have the most attention. The real live fast games are mobile games since they come and go out of fashion really fast. I'm pretty sure that fortnite will have a large player base a year from now

All the games you mentioned got popular because streamers started streaming them.
Streamers also explain the rapid playerbase increase and decline, since they use mob logic.

They're great for the time they exist and in some way lead the way for games that take their concept and make it better. Like Fortnite starting the Battle Royale trend, making other games catch up and improving it.

It's how social media is nowadays. With everything concentrated on a few platforms it's easier for small games to go viral. I don't mind in particular but Fall Guys / Among Us etc are not particularly innovative or special. I'm sure devs hate to see actual good games get passed over for youtube sludge

Fortnite is still alive, so I don't think it was a fast cash grab

they're really great for when i dont have much time like when i need to study

Most of them won't really last long once its fanbase is oversaturated with toxic players and the content is milked out on youtube.