Thoughts on microtransactions
Most people hate how they're becoming a staple in games. but personally I don't see the problem if they're just on the side? they don't hurt the game all that much if you don't use them

should ban it they make game grindy so people spent on microtransctrion

This is the new way for gaming companies to make money. They make far more with 1,000 microtransactions than they would selling 1,000 copies of the game. And most gamers can justify a microtransaction more than they can a new DLC.

micros are better than dlc as long as you aren't forced into it. fuck that.

Sometimes its ok like for skins that dont affect the gameplay but some micro are straight up pay to win

It's wherhee you want to pay with money, or pay with your actual time.

One thing is certain, they are not gonna go anywhere.

Microtransactions are nothing more than lazy, and greedy game design, and as we've seen, once you accept one form of microtransactions the whole damn industry is overrun with even worse microtransactions, the only time they are acceptable is in free to play games with no other form of revenue.

My problem is when you can pay the game to give you an unfair advantage

I think it can't be helped

IMO microtransactions should only be used for features that don't affect gameplay (i.e. skins, cosmetics). Only pay-to-win functionality should be shamed and looked down upon.

I have mixed feelings about it.
On one hand, some studios rely on those numbers to prove a game's continued relevance, but on the other, we have companies jumping at the very chance of it with poor premium models.

On mobile games, there's a trend with paid/free premium currency, and that get some people's blood boiling.
There's a game I play that features this, but the premium packages themselves are terrible (you have to spend quite a bit for little gains and RNG), yet somehow I see whalers alive and well, so all the power to them.
I have this belief that gacha rolls that use paid premium currency will yield better odds, but I don't have that luxury to roll often enough to prove it. What I can say anecdotally, my rolls are better when I have to use my paid premium currency.

Is it a necessary evil? I guess it really depends on what studio and who is their financial backing. When you don't have Tencent or some other big corpo publisher, every penny probably matters.
My experience with microtransaction is knowing my limits and drawing that line. Afterall, we have rent and bills to pay.