Thoughts on peeing in the shower
So I know some people think peeing in the shower is disgusting, but from my own view, you wash your dirty ass at the end of the day which is arguably more disgusting (with your remnant poop particles and all), but a completely normal and unavoidable part of showering. As long as you wash away the pee, I personally feel it's fine.

I do pee in the shower but I don't really tell anyone just because it's bound to lead to arguments and stuff if they don't agree.

What are you thoughts on this? Do you pee in the shower?

[+] 1 user Likes twiggyslow992's post
You can do it but gotta aim at the srain

If it's your own shower, that's your deal. If others use it, don't. The Koreans in our dorm would do that, and not only did it smell, but it got on our feet. That was fucking disgusting.

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
I always thought it's perfectly normal thing to do.

I do it.. I pee quite often when I shower. In my opinion it is a normal thing to do if other members of your household do not have a problem with it

Pretty sure it's a normal thing. I haven't met a single person who doesn't, whether guy or girl. If you've ever used a community shower (gym or college dorms), much worst things goes down the drain lol

I pee in the shower all the time, the water is running down so why would it matter?

I watched a video that if you get your water pumped in from the city it could save you some money if you just went number 1 in the shower

Just make sure it all goes down the drain.

People will probably think it’s weird, but I think it’s fine. You do you

your dong good job
you save mother nature

I mean, if piss helps with a jellyfish sting then it’s gotta have some good stuff in it so it can’t be bad for you to piss in the shower. And it’s not like you’re just standing there, in your piss ?

Let it rip, baby. Blast that hot foamy lemonade all over the shower and stain the grout.

every once in a while is fine, but the toilet is there for a reason

[+] 1 user Likes daskebower's post
If I gotta pee ima pee in the shower no doubt. I ain't coming out the shower and peeing in the toilet

only if it cant be held, and clean that shit up

there's a toilet right next to you..pee there Sad

As long as you don't piss all over the place you should be fine, also it feels good so why not!

its the same drainage system for the most part. i don't think the people who manage water treatment have a seperate system for sink water. toilet water and shower water. it all gets filtered in the end