Thoughts on sexpats?
I know sex tourism is a real thing, but why do people do it? Is it like a power tripping thing to go to a lesser developed country and be able to just buy things? Or is it just fetishizing and wanting to have sex with the people there?

I'm assuming you mean travelling overseas to try get with local people. I think there are a lot of things:

First of all people feel much more adventurous and are willing to go out of their comfort zones when in an unfamiliar country.
When I was in Japan, the girls were much more into me than the typical girls I interact with in Australia and it was very refreshing and fun, this definitely is a positive. Also, I found the average girl in Japan way hotter than the average girl I'd see in Australia, part of this is having a thing for cute/feminine girls and part of it is having a thing for Asians. Not sure wat you mean by fetishizing, sexual race preferences occur in everyone to some extent and I wouldn't call this fetishizing but I definitely wanted to have sex with the people there. I don't care about power or buying things.

Hopefully that gives you some insight on why I like to try get with people when travelling haha