Thoughts on the whole gas prices going up.
I don’t believe we should drive gas prices up when we simply are not ready to move to cleaner energy. Most people can’t even afford electric cars and they aren’t getting any cheaper. I feel like it’s rushed and I don’t believe it is efficient for the economy and it won’t get us any closer to a greener tomorrow if we aren’t ready yet. What do you guys think?

I think it's all political unfortunately. Politicians are incentivized to create these feel good policies rather than practical policies.
For example, what was the point of cancelling keystone pipeline?
Canada still needs to move the oil through US border. Now they are going to move it by truck, which burns fossil fuel and generate more carbon foot print.
At the same time, a bunch of people lost jobs. Where are they supposed to go? Where are they supposed to work?
There are no readily available solar and wind jobs for these people to take.
If any of these politician worked a day in corporate America, they should know the concept of "transitioning period", "phasing out", etc.
Unfortunately, they don't care because voters keep voting based on color (blue or red) instead of voting based on the policy.

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Yeah that pipeline screws over both America and Canada as it is a complete waste of money just to build it halfway and call it quits. I just don’t see how other countries can trust us when every 4-8 years each president undoes the agreement the president made, it just doesn’t seem ethical. In my opinion, I wish the whole party system didn’t exist, and people had to actually research their candidates instead of choose by color. I may be right leaning but I don’t vote based on party I vote based on policy and background. There is probably a reason why parties are needed, there might not, but I think things would require more thought and would allow many Americans to think for themselves. Not to mention, the whole party system creates such a divide to the point it feels like a civil war is about to break out every election.

