Tipping Servers and Drivers
Today my roommate jack and I get into a heated discussion about whether or not he should tip if he used one of those delivery apps. Jack stated that because he rates the driver out of 5 stars then that should replace him having to tip, however, I was extremely against this. Especially during these times, our servers and drivers are helping the economy function by providing a necessary service during a worldwide pandemic. Those people are getting paid minimum wage and deserve to be compensated for their services. What do you think about this? do you support tipping or not? Please explain your reasoning.

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yeah i def tip especially during covid. I feel like a hypocrite tho trying to see free nudes haha

feel like a couple bucks should still be tipped tho

I don't like the idea that the consumer is expected to supplement income, so that employers can further fuck over employees, but I tip because those convictions shouldn't take precedence over logistics

Not sure what the policy is on pasting external links here, but search "reservoir dogs tipping scene" on Youtube.

mandatory tipping is weird considering it was originally meant as a way to thanks someone for their better than normal service not for doing their job. I do support tipping as it does increase what is currently an unfair wage, but I also understand that if you're also in a bad state financially, you may not be able to financially tip everywhere you can.

Good point and I agree. It's possible to take it too far on both sides.