Tips for learning a new language
Hi, I’ve been learning German but I feel like I’m not using my time the best possible, so, do you have some tips for learning a new language? How do you study to optimize your time to learn? I’ll appreciate your answers, thanks!

Mom balls lol

I try to practice at least 2x 30 min every day. You really need to stay consistent

The Duolingo app really helped me. 15 min a day on that is very helpful. But, if you want a lot of help, watch sports in German, and turn on subtitles in German. Do the same with movies uploaded to YouTube.

What worked best for me was trying to communicate with someone that doesn't know your language, and you dont know theirs. At least that's what worked for me, other that actually learning the language like we did in school

using a flashcards app like anki is pretty useful, work it into a routine so you do it daily and youll progress in no time!

I'd say try and learn how to pronounce words and get the accent right

you have to get a friend to talk to you a bit every day in speed up the process

I really want to learn Spanish but idk if I'll ever have time.

When I was learning English I used to watch lots of videos on youtube, it actually really helped me

Duolingo for sure

Practice, practice, practice. The number one mistake people make in learning a new language is they don't practice outside of lessons, to really learn a language you have to work at it constantly. Remember, like any skill, it atrophies over time, so keep up the work and practice even when there are lulls or after you've even learned the language, duolingo helps with this a lot.

Practice, practice, practice. The number one mistake people make in learning a new language is they don't practice outside of lessons, to really learn a language you have to work at it constantly. Remember, like any skill, it atrophies over time, so keep up the work and practice even when there are lulls or after you've even learned the language, duolingo helps with this a lot.

anyone recommend one of the apps for language over another?

The no.1 tip I've gotten when I was learning Spanish (and from seeing common advice even with other langauge) is to immerse yourself in it. Try watching e.g., Spanish youtube videos with english subtitles, then eventually with spanish subtitles, and then without. Listening to songs in that language, news report, reading children's story books etc. all help as well.

Even watching something Money Heist could potentially help (if you wanted to learn Spanish for example).

I have to say, you haven't chosen the easiest of languages xD but that aside, i find that the best way to learn a language is to actually speak it.
So if you can get some german people, sit them down once a week or so and just talk to them about anything you can imagine.
If you dont have any german people around just watching german series can also help a great deal, at least with understanding.
Subtitles at first, and then gradually try not to look at them so much.

Can you also elaborate on how you're spending time now? Providing feedback is easier than casting suggestions into a big pool

maybe learning some german songs

Using anki and trying to revise everyday

There are many Websites/Apps that will guide you through it, but in most of them you need to pay in order to use them.