Tits or ass?
What do you guys prefers, tits or ass?

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all about the ass boi

ass all day my guy

prefer a nice ass

ass always been better

pdlndr Wrote:What do you guys prefers, tits or ass?
Tits all the way

most of my friends are ass but not me, tits all the way

Why eat only one dish when you can have it all?

clothed tits, nude ass. Although I never turn down the reverse either lol

I do definetly prefer butts. If i remember correctly, pornhub made a chart on something like this, showing wich countries prefered tits and wich prefered ass. It also showed that the majority of the world prefered tits, altough not by a large margin. Americans were shown to prefer butts while most European countries were shown to prefer tits.

A great man once said "Ass can compensate for a lack of tits, but tits can not compensate for a lack of ass."

depends really. ass is nice but i think tits takes it for me.

ass...but big boobs is nice too

Why do you need to decide? Women are good as a whole

ass all the way!

ass!! love a big round one

Ass ass ass ass

natural tits is the best

mmmm ass!! but nice tits are welcome! lol

I'm a breast man but I rate asses

Big natural ass and big natural tits for me but if I had to choose one it would have to be big natural ass