Too deep into major
Have any of you ever felt as if you were too deep into your major and you dislike what you’re doing? I am 212 units too deep

If the major pays a lot I would stick with ot and find cool stuff to do on your downtime.

Have you done any work connected to your major such as a internship or talked with individuals within the same field? I found out that the expectations versus the actual job for my major (Public Health) were completely different but still fulfilling, especially when I found out how many different pathways I had open to me. Could be your just in a moment of doubt and need some more perspective or are suffering from a bit of the "grass is greener on the other side" syndrome and looking at other majors (I'd advise talking to whoever your academic counselor is as well as anyone else in your field about your concerns to get some perspective).

Sometimes I do feel like that. I think when that happens it’s important to find stuff within the field that you can find interesting. It can be any little thing. My major is in business so I’ve been looking into entrepreneurship, exposing myself to different communities about building a business and also reading about successful business owners, what they did to get where they are and their lifestyle. I’m sure you can apply this to whatever field you are in and it could spark a new interest

i feel the sam way. going to stick with it and hope that actually working in the field is more interesting than doing it for my major

The coursework in academics is not really like it is in the real world for jobs, unless you are a researcher. If your job pays well and you can expect to get a job after you finish, stick with it. Had so many people I know decide to go the easy route and do something dumb like psychology or sociology that you can't even get a job with lol.

On the other hand, someone else was really far up in math/engineering and they just decided it was too hard and they were only a few classes away from graduating. Everyone else that stuck through it is doing well job wise. As long as you pass, it's ok, even though sometimes I feel impostor syndrome.

Take a look at what people who finished your major are doing now and see if you can picture yourself doing it for the rest of your life. Granted if you wanted to change I'm not sure what you would do at that point!

Finish it off and try to get credits that you can pivot into another major you may like more?

If you don't like what you're doing, then I suggest not doing it. I only say this because of how important it is to be happy in your life and do what you love. At the end of the day, you don't want to be stuck in a field you don't care for, and while it may be costly, your future self would be glad you did it! Smile

Honestly most of my friends have jobs that have nothing to do with their majors. I think it depends on how much you hate it and if you absolutely know what you want to do instead. If you can stick with it but then eventually work your career in the direction you want, I would recommend that. Like you really just need the degree, then that first job or two, and then that opens a lot of doors that you wouldn't have with just a degree in a different field anyways.