Trump or Biden 2020
With the elections only a few weeks away, who are you voting for during the election?

and if you're not in america, who do you think will win?

[+] 1 user Likes borderline232's post
Biden must win

Gonna have to get some popcorn ready haha jk

[+] 1 user Likes schwarmabeat's post
biden will win it

Just saying if Biden wins this is no longer going to be america 

its going to be the Soviet Union 2.0

[+] 1 user Likes LordInsider's post
being in England and from what i've seen and supporting neither, i think trump will win

[+] 1 user Likes Texiam's post
I think Trump will win since the average american think their life is fine as it is now, so they might want to continue the Trump train

[+] 1 user Likes antithrowaway's post
Biden needs to win so we can flip back to some normalcy.

trump will win for sure

Probably voting neither. Jo Jorgensen for me, despite the low chance of her actually winning..

Trump is better than bidden

Biden 2020 ↗️

I think the election was a wrap the second trump got covid. Better luck in 2024

Neither side will accept the win of the other party. November gonna be an American powder keg.

May the best one for the country win

Haha neither.

I enthusiastically voted Trump in 2016, I’ll be voting for him less enthusiastically this year. The way I see it, America is screwed in the long run and Trump will only slow down America’s downfall.

think the election was a wrap the second trump got covid. Better luck in 2024

Would've been interesting if Bernie had a chance. Clearly America was willing to test out a clearly unhealthy, possibly senescence man whom has never experienced any position in governmental politics before 2016; crazy idea, since you guys are willing to try out new ideas, why not at least try out new-new ideas, just to shake things up a bit.

It's a tough call. Get your popcorn ready