Trump the Orange
Why do people love trump and follow him like he's a god of some kind? What do people see in him when all he does is receive personal gain at the expense of his supporters?

A lot of the rhetoric against him isn't the type of media consumed by his base. If you watch right wing talking points for the first time it'll seem like an alternate reality. What his base consumes demonizes the left and touts Trump as someone who is pushing against communism and cancel culture, etc.

He was the only one who had the balls to try to ''drain the swamp'' as he said it, or the ''deep state'' of corrupt people in USA. He started no new wars, unlike Obama who starded 6 and got a Nobel peace prise. He was bringing USA military home, not distribyting them around the world for their own interest etc.

He did seem to be searching for the truth and calling out those who ain’t honest w their agenda. Now US will join europe in the race of making whites disappear.

People don't follow him like he is a god of some kind. That's just a stereo type or caricature of Trump supporters depicted by left leaning media.

In terms of why Trump supports love him, look at what has been happening in the past two decades.
Globalization drove a lot Trump supporters out of jobs. When they express their grievances, they were called "clingers" by Obama and "deplorable" by the Clitons. No one in DC cared about them until Trump.
Trump said he heard them and will help them. USMCA and trade war with China were the direct fulfillment of his promises. We had a rough ride with Trump but he had some good policies.

Left leaning media says he is a Hitler. Right leaning media thinks he is the best president ever.
The truth is somewhere in the middle. He is a flawed man and an inexperience politician trying to make a mark in the history.
Is he narcissistic and egotistical? Of course! But who isn't? Name a president or a CEO who is not narcissistic and/or egotistical to some degree.
The depiction of Trump supporters are no different. They are not a bunch of cultists. They are just everyday Americans trying to get by. We need to stop dehumanizing and demonizing people that we disagree with.