Upcoming travel plans
As travel slowly opens up again, hopefully without any setbacks, do you have any plans for a trip you're dying to take?

Personally, I'd like to travel to New York and see and experience all the cool stuff in Manhattan.

Things are open over here, OP, except for that shithole called Los Angeles, which is led by a bunch of commies anyways. There are no restrictions on interstate travel, and cities like NYC and Shitcongo are still shitholes that people really need to escape and let collapse. Even the national parks are open. Go on a road trip OP, get away from the cities and into nature. It'll help you a lot. The mountains are a gift from God that most people severely underestimate.

Things are opening up very quickly. I look forward to going to Japan this September. I bought a nonstop round-trip ticket for $300 during the pandemic.

Most are reopened nowadays, even restaurants, some at 100%.

Im broke, cant go anywhere, maybe after 2 years i might travel again

Time to go to NZ!

Quote: Time to go to NZ!
Isn't kiwiland still locked down because of four cases?

japan would be good

Went to see family for fourth of july

Going to Munich in 2 days, hope the EU finally lets it's guard down and allows people to go out a bit

I don't see countries opening their national borders anytime soon. But I do want to travel to Japan when the pandemic is over.