Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
I'll never forget my first time exploring the streets of Santa Monica and learning about all the NPCs stories and janky mechanics, but very fun for its time. I hope most people have at least heard about this game, and if not, give VtM: Bloodlines a try. Nowadays there are a lot of mods to improve on the game and fix bugs too. Finding ways to run the game if you use the steam edition might be tricky, but again, mods help with that too. 
I have only finished the game playing as a Ventrue. Playing as a Malkavian is fun, but with my limited knowledge of English back then, it was tricky to understand what the hell the character was saying. But I wonder if even a native does really understand the madness, playing for the first time.

Has anyone played this, or maybe the other game from around the same era, Redemption? Christof's death face expression never left my memory, that's how memorable that game was too.

Yeah I think i saw a video about this recently, real sort of introspective documentary, the game itself seems really cool - i think i also got it from a past humble bundle so i might have to play it sometime lmao